Date and time
-Presented by: Joe Barabe; Senior Research Microscopist and principal, Barabe & Associates LLC
Monday, March 27, 2023, 11:00am to 12:00pm Hong Kong/Beijing/Shanghai
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81483673110?pwd=VlN2bVNZMmV4enZlNDAzVFhWUzJaU…
It's been a while but we are back with a new Practical Science for Conservators session on Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM). And the matching cocktail? What else but the PaLoMa.
Practical Science for Conservators is an informal, educational, monthly (haha) Zoom series on chemistry and scientific fundamentals as applied to conservation. Our sessions begin with drinks and a chat, a presentation, followed by discussion. The goal is to bridge the gap between scientific fundamentals and practical conservation application. Targeting conservators of all skill and education levels, presentations are delivered in a relaxed, informal environment that's a blend of graduate seminar, office hours, and Friday night get-together.
This free series is open to all conservators, conservation scientists, and conservation students.