The freely accessible online publication "The Artist Interview in Conservation - A Guide" is a collection of information and findings gained via theoretical engagement with the interview research method and the practical application of artist surveys in the project "artemak+X - Techniques and materials of modern and contemporary art".
The guide is intended to make it easier for anyone with an interest to familiarise themselves with the interview as a research method and to hone their understanding of the scientific implementation and evaluation of artist surveys. It is aimed at researchers without previous experience or knowledge of history or social sciences and facilitates the theoretical classification of interview techniques currently used by conservators. There is a special focus on the The Artist Interview [1] method, which is summarised and supplemented by personal experiences. In addition to preparation, implementation and follow-up, the manual offers further helpful information on planning and realising individual interviews or interview projects, a process plan, as well as information on legal requirements and the archiving of interview data.
It can be downloaded for free at:
[1] Beerkens, Lydia; ’t Hoen, Paulient; Hummelen, IJsbrand; Saaze, Vivian van; Scholte,Tatja; Stigter, Sanneke (eds.): The Artist Interview. For Conservation and Presentation of Contemporary Art. Guidelines and Practice. Jap Sam Books, Heyningen, 2012.