onlineDate and time
-Space and Time - Joseph Beuys’ Installation Art, its Presentation and Conservation
International conference, Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel, 16 – 17 September 2021 in Kassel (Germany)
Joseph Beuys’ 100th birthday will be celebrated in 2021. The planned interdisciplinary conference will deal with the artist’s works that are both space-consuming, space-defining and space-dependent installations. Beuys frequently integrated autonomous artworks and objects in his installations and he made changes during re-installation. This highlights the versatile and process-oriented character of these works. In general, key aspects of his art are connected with their materiality as well as with the fragility, ageing and degradation of the material. Furthermore, the installations undergo visible changes when they are re-installed in new or newly designed spaces after necessary relocations and building refurbishments. A dialogue between disciplines – art technology, conservation sciences, art studies, and the natural sciences – is intended to explore the relationship between the inherent and “original” material character of the artworks and the influence of their varied alterations, and to discuss the ethical, conceptual and practical implications of conservation and original or work-appropriate presentation.
For detailed conference programme see: https://museum-kassel.de/de/forschung-und-sammlungen/tagungen
The conference is free of charge. Below you can find the webex links that you need to log in to the conference and the panel discussion and the YouTube links for both days of the conference and the panel discussion.
Zugangslink Panel discussion/Podiumsdiskussion: Die museale Dauer und die vergängliche Gegenwartskunst. Nach welchen Kriterien erwerben öffentliche Sammlungen? (16.09.21, 17-18.30 Uhr):
Meeting-Kennnummer (Zugriffscode): 2556 315 0394
Meeting Passwort: wXbUFehB367
Youtube Links Conference/Tagung:
Tagung am 16.09.2021: https://youtu.be/h482TLrjo0w
Tagung am 17.09.2021: https://youtu.be/eXsg_oBi6R8
Youtube Link Panel discussion/ Podiumsdiskussion 16.09.2021, 17-18.30 h