Poster presented by Eugenia Stamatopoulou at the 2016 Keep It Moving? Conserving Kinetic Art meeting.
Death of a moment (2007) is a kinetic, room-size installation created by the Swiss Neo-Dada artist Urs Fischer (b. 1973). The installation’s floor-to-ceiling mounted mirrors are set in motion by a hydraulic system, making the space appear to distort and fluctuate. Acquired by the Dakis Joannou Collection in 2007, it was installed as a permanent artwork at the DESTE Foundation in Athens, Greece. This project presented numerous challenges related to the artwork’s production and long-term presentation, including site obstruction, the availability of components, coordination with various specialists, and spatial planning. This paper discusses the solutions adopted by the Dakis Joannou Collection to install and maintain Death of a moment and to plan for its long-term preservation.
Read the full poster text here: http://www.getty.edu/publications/keepitmoving/posters/21-stamatopoulou/
This is one of the posters as part of the proceedings from the meeting organized by the Getty Conservation Institute, the ICOM-CC Modern Materials and Contemporary Art Working Group, and Museum del Novcento Palazzo Reale, Milan, Ital, June 30–July 2, 2016.