In the report 'Audiovisual Adherence', archivist and technologist Dave Rice examines the challenges and opportunities for defining and implementing policies in order to test adherence of audiovisual files against defined requirements. Such requirements may originate from software and hardware systems, adopted best practices or conservation concerns.
The research includes in-depth exploration of particular use cases such as adherence to the requirements of exhibition systems, such as media players from BrightSign.
The paper also explores the archival recommendation of ‘uncompressed video in QuickTime’ in detail and examines the shortcomings of this practice as well as opportunities to apply this objective with more precision.
This report was commissioned by Tate within the context of PERICLES, a four-year project (2013-2017) that aims to address the challenges of ensuring that digital content remains accessible in an environment that is subject to continual change. PERICLES has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 601138.