Columbia University, New York CityDate and time
-The 6th International Architectural Paint Research (APR) Conference will be held from March 15 - 17, 2017 in New York City *on the historic campus of Columbia University. This conference promises to bring together many members of this vibrant, creative community that includes historic paint analysts, scholars of historic interiors, art and architecture conservators, material scientists, decorative painters, preservation architects, and heritage managers. The conference agenda is on the website http://www.apr2017.org
The theme of the conference, *Powers of Ten*, is reference to a short film from 1977 by Charles and Ray Eames. Like the film, Architectural Paint Research (APR) deals with magnitudes of scale, from a single pigment particle, to a painted house, to the decorative tastes of an entire region.
In the spirit of the film, the 2017 APR conference aims to take a closer look at how we carry out our research at every level, from the micro to the macroscopic.
The conference includes an incredible line up of tours but they are filling up fast. The conference includes behind the scenes tours of some of New York's most unique and special sites. The tours range from an in-depth look at the conservation of Herters Brothers and Tiffany Studio rooms at the 7th Regiment Armory to a tour of the conservation of the ruin rooms of the Lower East Side Tenement. We also have a tour of a wallpaper manufacturing facility, the south side of Ellis Island and a look at the conservation of the Keith Haring mural in the LGBT Center. Details of these tours are now available on the conference website.