Dear INCCA members and colleagues all over the world,
It is hard to imagine now, but when INCCA was established in 1999 the idea of a web-based database to share information was very new and for some radical. The internet is a fantastic vehicle for information exchange, and it has also become an essential means to come into contact with international peers. Face-to-face contact however remains an essential part of how we learn and collaborate. Embodied knowledge is difficult to transfer through a PDF or other digital means. The work that INCCA groups do in the regions; artist interview workshops, panel discussions and thematic meetings is for this reason extremely important. Hopefully you are able to attend an INCCA event near you this year. Links to all INCCA group websites can be found here: https://www.incca.org/what-are-incca-groups
Work is currently underway to create a new and improved incca.org and database. It may take some time, but it will be worth the wait. More news about this project will be coming soon!
Another exciting development to mention is the formation of a new INCCA group in the Asia-Pacific region. Anne Carter, conservator at the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art is leading this initiative.
We are always looking for more news and content to share through INCCA. For information on how to share your news please see: https://www.incca.org/adding-information-incca-website
Are you an INCCA member and do you have artist interviews or other documents to share? Please add these to the INCCA Database. Don’t hesitate to contact met if you need help on how to share your information.
Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2014!
Karen te Brake-Baldock, INCCA Central Coordinator