Dear INCCA members and interested colleagues,
By about this time next month we will be able to launch the new incca.org. Behind the scenes there is building and testing of the new site going on as well as migrating of old content. It has been a pleasant surprise to see old content in the new incca.org environment. Just having a different layout and letter type can make such a difference to the user-experience; in a positive way that is! I am very much looking forward to a fresh new ‘digital’ start.
My schedule (as you can imagine) is booked up over the next few weeks which is a pity as there are a number of really interesting events going on, like the meeting in Brussels on access to digital-born culture or the Media In Transition conference in London and in December a symposium on media art preservation in Budapest. I hope the readers of this newsletters will be able to attend at least one of these events! And don’t forget the deadline for papers of the meeting in Milan in 2016 on the conservation of kinetic art which is fast approaching (October 15.)
Perhaps you too are looking for a fresh new start and you would like to try for the exciting PhD position at Tate. If you are unable to travel in the coming months you could do some interesting reading in the new publication on Performing Documentation in the Conservation of Contemporary Art. Enjoy!
Kind regards,
Karen te Brake-Baldock
INCCA Central Coordinator