Call for chapters: Work-in-Progress Meeting for Emerging Researchers in Contemporary Art Conservation

Posted on Mon, 11/19/2012 - 09:47
Call for Chapters or ArticlesWork-in-Progress Meeting for Emerging Researchers in Contemporary Art Conservation
19th June 2013, Lisbon Portugal
The Network for PhD Candidates and Postdoctoral Researchers in Conservation of Contemporary Art and the Network for Conservation of Contemporary Art Research (NeCCAR) are jointly organising a work-in-progress session for emerging researchers and cordially invite you to submit work-in-progress.
The work-in-progress session will take place in Lisbon, Portugal on June 19th 2013 in conjunction with the Performing Documentation in the Conservation of Contemporary Art held on 20-21 June, 2013 at the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon Portugal.

The meeting offers a unique opportunity for emerging researchers in the field of contemporary art conservation to discuss each other’s work-in-progress in an informal, confidential and constructive setting. Work-in-progress may involve a draft chapter of your thesis or an article. Submitted texts will be pre-circulated among the participants and each author will receive feedback from at least one appointed senior scholar and a fellow participant.

Participants are selected on the basis of a motivation letter and abstract related to your work-in-progress chapter, and will receive a travel grant of € 500 made available by NeCCAR.
Subscription is open to non-network members. Applications should be in English and include the contact information for the author(s) (affiliation, address, telephone and e-mail). Please submit a brief motivation letter and an abstract of no more than 500 words by 15 February 2013 to
Full chapters should be submitted by 31 May 2013 to allow sufficient time for discussants to prepare their response.
Enquiries to: Rita Macedo at or Vivian van Saaze at

The Network for PhD and Postdoctoral Researchers in the Field of Contemporary Art Conservation aims to encourage and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and expertise among early and mid-career researchers by hosting an online platform, organising seminars and work-in-progress meeting. The network currently consists of 80 members from over 30 organizations in 14 countries and includes researchers in the humanities, social sciences, conservation science and related areas.

NeCCAR is an international collaborative network of researchers and conservation pro­fessionals based at the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences and funded by The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). Partners are Maastricht University; Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam; Museo del Novecento, Milan; Triennale De­sign Museum of Milan; Pisa University; Università degli Studi della Tuscia di Viterbo; Instituto de História da Arte (IHA), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciên­cias e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade do Porto; Cologne Institute of Conservation Sciences; Royal Academy of Arts London; School of Culture & Creative Arts (SCCA), University of Glasgow, and Tate.