Restorers use materials on their objects all the time. Why do you use the materials you use? What criteria do you use in making those choices? Is the choice based on evidence, familiarity, or custom and practice? This Masterclass examines the existing evidence, develops practical experience with materials’ properties, and tests custom and practice. The course is evenly split between practical sessions, working with materials and the theoretical background needed to understand their properties. The role and merits of both high technology studies and investigations in a conservation studio are investigated. Participants can bring and share their individual problems as object lessons to be examined by the group, always a productive process.
Velson Horie (BSc, FMA, FIIC, ACR, MAPM) is a Collection Care and Conservation Consultant
4 full time days: 9 – 12 April 2013
Ateliergebouw, Hobbemastraat 22 in Amsterdam (next to the Rijksmuseum).
Course fees are € 840. Participants are responsible for their own evening meals, accommodation and transportation. Lunches will be provided.
Number of Participants: maximum 12. Registration is open to restorers, conservation scientists and related professionals practicing within the field.
The course will be given in English. Participants are advised that a basic knowledge of scientific terms in English is required.