International Forum on Contervation of the Modern to the Contemporary (Brazil)

Posted on Fri, 08/13/2010 - 12:16
The International Forum on Conservation of the Modern to Contemporary - The Memory of the Future: A first look at the national reality, intends to contribute to the exchange of information between experts, curators, scientists, artists and restorers as well as stimulating processes of education and training human resources. 22-24 September 2010, Oscar Neimayer Museum, Brazil
Location: Oscar Niemeyer Museum, Auditorium Poty Lazzarotto
Rua Marechal Hermes, 999 Civic Center
Curitiba - PR - Brazil


The event aims to highlight the conservation practices adopted by museums and private institutions today and encourage reflection on the work and the artist, discuss the changes brought about by the conception of museums of contemporary art ephemeral and experimental. The discussions in essence treat in store, from the ethical considerations in relation to the artist and his art project, design and conservation, with emphasis on challenges to the restorative and preventive conservation, considering the exhibition spaces and storage.
The second phase of the reflection of the Forum will focus on professional responsibility and citizen in the process of strengthening and revitalization of the Brazilian culture, aiming at exchanging experiences between researchers and scientists, communications reserved for case studies and artists, or will be created a space for discussion include the entire production chain and possible deepening of the proposed conceptual axes.
The event will be covered the following topics:
  • Historical and philosophical concepts
  • Journey from Modern to Contemporary
  • National and international projects
  • Scientific analysis to the conservation laboratory
  • New materials
  • What future for this memory?
For more information see: