
Päivi Kyllönen-Kunnas


Aalto University


Art Department


Valtatie 45 A 3

Member Since

Member since March 25, 2009


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What is your education and/or training?

DOCTORAL CANDIDATE, Contemporary Art. Studies organized 5/2019. 69 / 60 ETCS. Candidate wishes to go forward with the preparations to finalise the dissertation to ready and to be submitted tor pre-examination. Art Department. The School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Aalto University. Espoo, Finland.

MA, HISTORY OF ART 2007. Thesis on art history and conservation of contemporary art. 24.5.2007. (205,5 ov; Art history, Conservation, Literature, History of theories and Ideas). Jyväskylä University, Jyväskylä, Finland.

CONSERVATOR, B.A. 11.3.2004, Conservation Department, EVTEK Institute, Vantaa (University of Applied Sciences, Conservation Department, Vantaa), Finland.

PAINTINGS CONSERVATOR Conservation Department, Vocational Diploma 2.3.1994, Vantaan käsi- ja taideteollisuusoppilaitos (Vantaa Institute of Arts and Crafts, Vantaa), Finland.

Researcher-Conservator 2007 - present. Conservator 6.4.1994 - 2007. Museum and Science Centre, Oulu Art Museum. On leave 1.6.2022 to 27.11.2022.

Full member, Nordic Conservator Forbund, Finnish Section. IIC Nordic - Association for Conservators - Finnish section, since 1998 forward (student membership 1994 - 1998).
Full member, ICOM-International Council of Museums, since 1994 forward.
Full member, IIC-International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 1993 – 2020.
Freelance membership INCCA network - The International Network for the Conservation of Contemporary Art: freelance membership, 2009 -2015.

The Ulrich ShieSSl PhD Colloquium in cooperation with the Nordic Conservation Programmes Network and KADK School of Conservation. Copenhagen 21-22.11.2019. Colloquium for PhD students, papers and presentations. Invited speaker.
IIC-Nordic Group - Nordisk konservatorforbund, Finska Sektion. Kulttuuriperintökohteiden sisältämät haitalliset ja vaaralliset aineet. National Board of Antiquities, Helsinki. 26.-27.11.2018. Participant.
ICOM Conservation Committee (ICOM CC) Art Technology Source Research (ATSR) Working Group. ATSR 7 Expression and Sensibility. Art Technological Sources at the Rise of Modernity. Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart. 10.11.-11.11.2016. Participant.
IIC Nordic Group - Nordisk konservatorforbund, Finska Sektion. Monumental Treasures, Preservation and Conservation. National Board of Antiquities, Helsinki. 21.10.-23.10.2015. Participant.
Aalto University, School of Art and Design, Art Department. Konservointi taidetekona? seminar 12.10.2016. Invited Speaker.
International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics. Art and Science Conference, Baden-Baden. 4.-9.8.2014. Invited speaker (Presentation of the abstract) for D.A. Dissertation research) .
ICOM CC Theory and History of Conservation Working Group. Interim Meeting. Conservation Culture and Connections. Copenhagen, The National Museum of Denmark 16.-17.5.2013. Participant.
IIC Nordic Group – Nordisk Konservatorforbund, Norske Sektion. Moving Collections: Processes and Consequences. 1.-3.10.2012. Invited speaker., paper print in Preprints.
ICOM CC 2011 Lisbon. 16th Triennal Conference. Cultural Heritage / Cultural Identity; The Role of Conservation. Lisbon 19.9.-23.9.2011. Participant
ICOM CC Art Technology Source Research (ATSR) Working Group. ATSR 4 Symposium in Vienna. Technology and Interpretation Reflecting the Artist’s Process. Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna 23.9-24.9.2010. Participant.
ICOM CC Art Technology Source Research (ATSR) Working Group. ATSR 3 Symposium in Clasgow. Sources and Serendipity. Testimonies of Artists’ Practice. University of Glasgow, Glasgow 11.-12.6.2008. Invited speaker, paper printed in Pre prints.
ICOM-CC Nordisk Konservatorforbund, Finska Sektion. Ennakointi, uhat ja museon pelastussuunnitelma. EVTEK Instituutti, Vantaa. 24.3.2006. One of the organisers.
EVTEK Institute of Art and Design. Yvonne Shashoua, Ulla Knuutinen. The Challenge of Plastics course. 7.-12.2.2005. Participant.
IIC Nordic Group – Nordisk konservatorforbund, Danske Sektion. Magasinbygningens fysik og function. Museumhojskolen, Soro, Danmark. 18.-22.10.2004. Participant.
IIC Nordic Group – Nordisk Konservatorforbund, Finska Sektion. Conservation without Limits. XV Congress Helsinki. 23.-26.8.2000. Invited speaker.
ICOM-CC 1999 Lyon. 12th Triennal Meeting Confrence. Lyon. 29.8.-3.9.1999. Participant.
Centre of Continuing Education, Åbo Akademi University. International seminar Frozen Olive – Wallpaintings, Conservation and Science, Turku.10.-11.8.1998. Invited speaker.
Finnish National Gallery, Contemporary Art Kiasma. Advanced Training in Conservation of Contemporary Art. Blood, Sweat and Tears, Advanced Training in Conservation of Contemporary Art. Helsinki. 13.-17.10. 1997. Participant
ICOM-CC 1996 Edinburgh. 11th Triennal Meeting Conference. Edinburg. 1.-6.9.1996. Participant.
Suomen Museoliitto ry ja Oy Ars Longa Ab. Ulkoveistosten huolto. Helsinki. 26.-27.4.1995. Participant.
International Academic Projects (GB). Summer School. Conservation of Wall Paintings, On-Site Seminar, Provence, France. 26.9.-1.10.1994. Participant.
Nordisk Ministerråds Videreutdannelseskurs for Konservatorer, Retusjering – komplettering – rekonstruksjon” (Nordisk kurs – 93), Oslo 12.-22.10.1993. Participant.

Workshop Projektijohtaminen (Project Management for Conservators). Lectures and workshop, Conservator, M.A. Students, 4. - 6.9.2012. 13 hours. Metropolia Applied Sciences University, Vantaa 2012. .
Invited speaker at PhD Colloquium 2019 for PhD candidates from Sweden, Norway, Poland, Germany, Finland, Danmark. The Ulrich ShieSSl PhD Colloquium in cooperation with the Nordic Conservation Programmes Network and KADK School of Conservation. Copenhagen 21-22.11.2019.
Contemporary art conservation-restoration, visual artist and perception of the live through. The concept of the work of art. Tuesday sessions: Techniche Universität München TUM, Lehrstuhl für Restaurierung und Konservierung. 9.1.2019
Workshop Material techniques for Public Art Purhaces for candidate students 11.1.-3.3.2017. Helsinki Art University.
Presentation at symposium 2016 Konservointi taidetekona? Aalto University, Art Department, Helsinki.
Presentation and discussions on seminar. IIAS A&S, Baden-Baden, 2014. 
Preseantation and Paper published at conference IIC-Nordic NKF-N Conference in Oslo 2012. 
Presentation and Paper published at conference ICOM CC ATSR WG :n symposium in Glasgow 2008.
 Museology and conservation-restoration of art. Practical museology lectures, Oulu University 2003 - 2013.  (lectures in Finnish).
Presentation at Kamut -seminar: Mitä muistista katoaa, mitä muistiin jää - kokoelmatyön periaatteita, City of Oulu, Oulu. 2010 
Presentation of a 17h Century portreit painting Johannes Messenius, it's history, material technical research and provenience research (lecture in Finnish). PowerPoint. 2005 Oulu Art Museum Oulu. 






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