Dear INCCA members,
We believe some of you would be really interest in attending this event.
On Wednesday the 17th of January 2018 at the The Garrett Centre, in London, the base of LADA -the Live art development agency- starting at 630pm, there will a Study Room Gathering at which Artists, Academics, Scientists, Activists and others, are invited to come and discuss together the topics of doing nothing, deceleration and taking care, and the implications on our body, brain and society.
Doing nothing raises ethical issues: how does one justify doing nothing when the economic model and education system demand hyper-productivity and multi-tasking, encouraging unsustainable levels of production.
The starting point is 'The Do Nothing Club', a designed transient space for doing nothing created by artists Alessio Mazzaro and Fiona Winning.
Following on from conversations and reflections from people who have participated in 'The Do Nothing Club', we would like to broaden the conversation and include people who are curious about the notions of labour, sustainability and wellbeing.
During the evening we will also try to tackle the questions intertwined with art practices such as: How do we *perform* doing nothing? How can we create the conditions for others to do nothing? Is doing nothing a personal or a collective experience? Do we need permission? and how we might document a practice that takes care of people?
We would like to invite you to attend as an active speaker and/or member of the audience, depending to your research topics and interests.
Kind Regards,
Alessio Mazzaro & Fiona Winning