Dear INCCA members and colleagues all over the world,
Change can be expected. We can analyse how things change and, in some cases, accurately predict change to a certain point in the future. What we can’t predict is what our peers will need to know in order to manage changes that occur beyond our predictions. Thankfully, museum professionals (conservators in particular) are expert in creating meticulous documentation. In addition, the tools museum professionals are using to capture this information is improving as I write this; mobiles and tablets with good cameras for quick and easy recording and condition reporting apps. Although storage and accessibility of documentation is still for many museums an issue to be dealt with, we are moving forward.
Amongst all this change there are some constant factors. Members of the INCCA network who continue to advocate the importance of capturing artist intent and work hard ensuring that the vulnerable art or our time can be seen and appreciated in the future by, amongst other things, sharing what they know. In this newsletter you will read about a great many interesting upcoming events.
INCCA.org and the database have been and will continue to aid in this sharing process. The new incca.org (with integrated database) is due for launch in November . The new site will be designed to encourage sharing and to make finding information easier.
Karen te Brake-Baldock
INCCA Central Coordinator
Based at the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands