INCCA Korea is very pleased to announce that we are going to hold a 'Mist-Lining Workshop for the Contemporary Paintings' in Seoul.
Date: 2 August, 2022
Venue: Conservation Studio, Leeum Museum of Art
After participating in the SRAL's Mist-Lining Workshop in 2019, Nani Lew(Conservator, Leeum Museum of Art) is going to share her experience and knowledge with Korean Painting Conservators. We are also planning to connect Kate Seymour and Joanna Strombek from SRAL online to hear a brief history and current case studies from the Netherlands. The workshop invites 6 paintings conservators in South Korea for one day, they will look over the previous workshop and have a chance to do practice in 'Mist-Lining'.
We appreciate a generous support from Leeum Museum of Art and Seundja Rhee Foundation for organizing this workshop.