Museum of Modern Art, New YorkDate and time
The workshop "Conservation of Video Art" will be held at the Museum of Modern Art in New York from June
8-12, 2020. It will cover the history of video technology (analog and digital), migration, exhibition, conservation treatment methodologies, and collection care. Building upon established methods and prior contributions on the care of video art, participants will learn the latest developments in video art production, treatment and display as well as the impact that decision-making has on the integrity of these works. Collaborative models of care will be an integral part of this workshop and participants should be prepared to present on their particular contexts and engage in robust discussions. The workshop will leverage MoMA's extensive video art collection and newly built media conservation lab to teach new skills and introduce participants to the wide scope of practices and knowledge required to care for video art.
Application Requirements: Open to conservators from any discipline, or related professions, who have a responsibility for the treatment and exhibition of video art within a collecting institution. Attendance is limited to sixteen participants. Participants are expected to attend all five days. English will be the language of instruction.
Registration Fees: There is no registration fee. Economy travel and lodging will be provided for participants coming from outside the
New York metro area.
How to Apply: Please provide 1) a letter of interest (750 words maximum); 2) a Curriculum Vitae; 3) a budget of the anticipated cost of your attendance, in U.S. dollars, and 4) a completed Collection Data Form. In the letter of interest, please indicate how this workshop applies to your daily work, what impact you anticipate your attendance at this workshop will have on the video collection, and any prior experience you have with this topic (e.g.,conferences or workshops attended, coursework, etc.). Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Applications should be submitted via email to Lorena Ramírez-López, Project Coordinator, Media Conservation Initiative at lorena_ramirezlopez@moma.org no later than midnight ET on Sunday, December 22, 2019, with notifications expected by the mid-March 2020.