Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Austria (Aula, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna)Date and time
-Photo credit: Paula Gassmann
Understanding Dieter Roth’s POeMETRIE series & the Age of Plastics
bridging Science and Art
The aim of this event is to bring together for the first time national and international professionals from different disciplines, such as the artists and scientists from conservation laboratories who work with modern-contemporary art to focus on the challenges related to art in the Age of Plastics, guided by a focus on the POeMETRIE series of Dieter Roth. We will examine and discuss the issues these works face, their relevance to plastic heritage in general, and how they reflect the evolution of the development of plastics.
The 2-day symposium will take place in presence; this call intends to encourage proposals for oral and poster presentations that would deepen the understanding of the following subjects:
Comprehension of materials and techniques involving plastic-based artistic objects, in particular the POeMETRIE series of Dieter Roth.
Ageing and Degradation mechanisms and conservation strategies for plastics in museum collections.
Plastic and technological development.
Instructions for authors and dates
From the 5th of April 2023 all contributions for oral and poster presentations must be submitted only via the conf.tool online registration system.
Call for Abstracts: 5th April 2023
Abstract submission deadline: 31st May 2023
Notification to authors: 30th June 2023
*Update: POSTPONED Abstract Submission Deadline BACKNOWANDTHEN2023 to 21st June 2023!
How to register
From the 5th of April 2023 all participants to the symposium are required to register through the conf.tool online registration system.
In order to take advantage of the early bird registration fees then all the partecipants should consider to register in advance. Registration fees include the i) access to the symposium, ii) lunches and coffee breaks, iii) symposium bags, and iv) social event. You can find more information abut the registration fee here.