C2RMF, Site du Carrousel, amphithéâtre PalissyDate and time
-On Nicolas Schöffer: Conserving/restoring works of a technological nature
Second study day
2nd February 2017
Organised by the University of Liège (UR AAP) and ESA Saint-Luc de Liège;
In collaboration with Association Internationale des Amis de Nicolas Schöffer (A.N.S.I. XXI) présidée par Mme Eléonore de Lavandeyra Schöffer
With the support of C2RMF, CeROArt and INCCA-f
Place: C2RMF, Site du Carrousel, amphithéâtre Palissy
More information and detailed program are available here : 17 or in the joint document. Please note that registration are required before the 25th January 2017.
Best wishes and Happy Holidays,
Kind regards,
Manon D'haenens
Conservation Restauration d’Art Contemporain
Consultante Fondation Portraits d’artistes SMart
Université de Liège
Centre Européen d’Archéométrie
Spectroscopie Atomique et Nucléaire
U.R. Art, Archéologie et Patrimoine
IPNAS, Sart Tilman B15, 4000 Liège, Belgium
+32 4 366 36 39 | m.dhaenens@ulg.ac.be | md-conservation.be