University of Cambridge, UKDate and time
-The University of Cambridge Museums is pleased to announce that booking has opened for the Plastics in Peril conference.
Dates: 16-18 March 2020
Location: Cambridge, UK
Cost: £180 early bird rate until 17th January 2020 (Students and unwaged £150)
There has been a lot of publicity recently about the problem of persistent plastics in the environment, but in museums we have the opposite problem. Some plastic artefacts are highly unstable, particularly mass produced items found in scientific, industrial and social history collections.
This three-day conference for conservation professionals focuses on practical solutions. Speakers include conservation specialists from Harvard Art Museums, the Deutsches Museum in Munich and The Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge.
The University of Cambridge Museums is also delighted to offer a minimum of four bursaries for the full conference, plus travel and accommodation. Priority will be given to UK-based early career conservators.
For more information and details on how to book your place, please visit our website.
Helena Rodwell
Assistant Conservator, Collections Care
Fitzwilliam Museum
University of Cambridge Museums
+44 1223765072