Online, IIC Linked In group pageDate and time
-October 23-27, 2017
The IIC LinkedIn group will be hosting a Dialogue with Samantha Skelton regarding her recent Studies in Conservation article, Testing the limits: The theoretical development and practical reality of a large-scale agarose gel treatment for a discolored Morris Louis, Studies in Conservation (2016) 61:sup2. 214-218.
All IIC LinkedIn group members are invited to participate in this online discussion with the author. If you are not yet a member of the IIC LinkedIn group, it's easy and free to join using your LinkedIn account. While IIC membership is not required to participate in this event, only IIC LinkedIn group members will be able to ask questions and make comments.
In preparation for this Dialogue event, you can find Ms. Skelton's article in your IIC 2016 Los Angeles Congress Preprints. Thanks to special accommodation by Taylor & Francis, this SiC article is currently available online at http://ttp://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00393630.2016.1181865 free of charge until October 30, 2017.
Register here:
https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/iic-studies-in-conservation-dialogue-on-linkedin-tickets-37327331052 to reserve a spot and receive updates leading up to the Dialogue.
Questions? Contact Sharra Grow at: slg283@gmail.com