OnlineDate and time
- PST – 02:15 – 03:15
- BST - 10:15 – 11:15
- CEST + CAT - 11:15 – 12:15
- HKT + CST – 17:15 – 18:15
- KST – 18:15 – 19:15
- AEST - 19:15 – 20:15
- EDT - 05:15 – 06:15
Second session: Thursday 15 September, at the equivalent times of:
- PST – 09:15 – 10:15
- EDT - 12:15 – 13:15
- BST - 17:15 – 18:15
- CEST + CAT - 18:15 – 19:15
*Friday 16 September
- HKT + CST – 00:15 – 01:15
- KST – 01:15 – 02:15
- AEST - 02:15 – 03:15
Topics of discussion raised during the INCCA cafés may include:
When is replication appropriate as a conservation strategy?
What challenges have or do you expect to come across?
Is there a formalized process across institutions for implementing the replication of artworks?
What are the ethical considerations one should consider when undertaking this responsibility?
What do those involved in remaking, remastering and reproducing find challenging? What is driving any feelings of unease?
Is the artist’s involvement always necessary for quality control?
Each INCCA Café session will be limited to 8 attendees, so an RSVP is required. Each attendee will be encouraged to bring an example of a work that either has experienced some form of replication or will likely require it in the future. Attendees will be able to share their screen to show any images or other documentation which may aid in the discussion.
To RSVP for one of the INCCA Cafés please email jess.sully@tate.org.uk and indicate which of the two sessions you would like to join. We aim to confirm the attendees for each session by 5 September.