Online - ZoomDate and time
-Join us for the very first INCCA Café on Wednesday the 9th of June!
The INCCA Cafés are an opportunity for INCCA members to gather and discuss themes and issues of interest, as well as present projects they are working on to their peers. They are grassroot driven, loosely moderated forums for members to share and exchange information and experiences. INCCA Cafés will be hosted online via Zoom and will have a duration of approximately 60 minutes but if discussions are passionate, they can continue further.
Our first INCCA café will take place on the 9th of June from 10 pm (KST) / 3 pm (CEST) and feature the great work of our own sister organisation INCCA South Korea. Come and learn about the activities undertaken by INCCA South Korea since their launch in 2019, such as seminars, conversations with artists, book talks etc. and discuss the benefits of having a national or regional group.
Click HERE to see what time this online event is where you are located.
If you would like a Zoom link to be sent to you. Please send an email to Zeeyoung Chin. zy.chin@samsung.com