Porto - ZoomDate and time
We would like to announce our 9th and 10th CO-TALK, this time with the spanish company Agar Agar and their owners - Maria Quinta and María Galán, in Spanish, and with the founder of SIC (Sustainability in Conservation) - Caitlin Southwick, in English.
These will be our last CO-TALKS from this season; we will return to our studio in the beginning of June, and we need to prepare everything! We will return with different subjects, different guests - if you want to give us suggestions, please feel free to do it!
If you have any questions for them, please let us know in advance; the talks will be tomorrow (19.05) and friday (22.05).
To register and receive the link for the talks, please send us an e-mail.
The 1st CO-TALKs are already available in our youtube channel, in the following link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHvrqILxGWZe6ucpetjIMtg