Venaria Reale (Turin) - ITALYDate and time
-From September 18 to 20, 2019, the Fondazione Centro di Conservazione e Restauro hosts the “Acrylic Modern Paints Cleaning” workshop led by Dr. Bronwyn Ormsby, Tate’s Principal Conservation Scientist.
The workshop is addressed to students and professionals of the restoration field.
It lasts three days and is divided into lectures and practical sessions concerning the theme of acrylic modern paints cleaning.
The workshop will be provided in English but it is possible to request simultaneous translation service to Italian only.
The complete programme, the costs and the registration procedure are available on https://www.centrorestaurovenaria.it/it/news/news/1093-workshop
The registration procedure will be open from April 19 to May 10, 2019.