Call for Papers SBMK Summit on (inter)national collaboration
Acting in Contemporary Art Conservation
15-16 November 2018, The Netherlands
The Dutch Foundation for the Conservation of Contemporary Art (SBMK) was formed to manage the international project Modern Art: Who Cares (1995-1997). One of the results of this project was the foundation of INCCA: the International Network for the Conservation of Contemporary Art. Since the start of INCCA in 1999, many conservation related research projects have been carried out through international collaboration and the results shared through the INCCA website. SBMK continued to initiate projects, such as Inside Installations (2004 - 2007), Artist Interviews (1998 - 2004), and the international symposium Contemporary Art: Who Cares? (2010). SBMK has taken the initiative to organise a new international symposium reflecting this background and to inspire future collaborations: Acting in Contemporary Art Conservation on 15-16 November 2018 in the Netherlands. The aim is to create a lively event where you can meet your peers, share current research and initiate new projects.
Museum Practices
One of the general outcomes of the research projects so far, has been a thorough understanding of the influence that conservation treatments and museum practices have on the future existence of contemporary artworks. Museum professionals and the audience are often actively engaged in contemporary art, sometimes becoming participants in the creative process, which poses challenging questions to the preservation of such artworks. These developments create new challenges for museum professionals and ask for specialist expertise, as they are in fact all acting in contemporary art conservation.
Several timely topics have been selected for this symposium and you are invited to present a proposal that either fits these topics or to suggest an additional theme, as the programme is open to include one more. The themes selected are: decision making, artist participation and oral history in conservation. As we are aiming to create a dynamic event, the format of the presentations need not be a plenary talk. Ideas for workshops and panel discussions are also welcome.
DEADLINE EXTENDED to January 22nd 2018.
Please send your ideas for a contribution in a 250 word abstract accompanied by a 100 word biography before 31 December 2017 to: summit@sbmk.nl. If you have a suggestion for an additional theme; please let us know before 15 November 2017, so we can make an additional call for papers.
Please note
The Dutch project on the identification of plastics outside the lab will be the topic of the English spoken SBMK Day taking place just prior to the event, 14 November 2018. You are more than welcome as a participant on this day too, to make it a three-day contemporary art conservation event.
Organised in collaboration with the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands and the Univeristy of Amsterdam.