Conference Review: "Our Modern: Re-Appropriating Vulnerable 20th Century Heritage"

Posted on Thu, 07/11/2013 - 11:06
The international conference "Our Modern: Re-Appropriating Vulnerable 20th Century Heritage", which was held on May 21-23 in Dubrovnik, Croatia, brought together speakers from over 20 countries; architects, conservators, conservation scientists, art historians, curators and other experts. A total of 31 papers were delivered.

"Our Modern" was jointly organised by the University of Dubrovnik; Institute of Art History – Centre Cvito Fiskovic, Split; Arts Academy of the University of Split; Croatian State Archives, Zagreb; Technical University of Berlin and Moscow Architectural Institute – State Academy, in cooperation with the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage (ISC20C). The Committee's European regional meeting was held the day before the conference. Both events were hosted by the Inter-University Center Dubrovnik.


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The first day of the conference focused on the preservation of 20th century architecture and urban spaces. The presentations were divided into four sessions: Policy-making and documentation, Methodology, Architectural history / Urban spaces, and Conservation and rehabilitation technology. Each session was followed by a stimulating discussion. Natalia Dushkina's talk on the poor state of preservation and the uncertain future of Konstantin Melinkov's house in Moscow was especially interesting and engaging.

On the second day of the conference a tour of the historic core of Dubrovnik was organised. The first session of the day focused on the cultural heritage of socialism and the challenges of its preservation, a very important subject for all post-socialist countries, Croatia included. This was followed by a series of talks on preservation of 20th century artistic heritage. New strategies and tools for new art forms and materials were discussed, and some practical treatments presented. Friederike Waenting's lecture on plastics in art and design caught everyone's attention.

On the last day of the conference preservation of photographic materials and audiovisual heritage was discussed. Keynote speaker Dusan C. Stulik gave an outstanding talk on the history and development of chemical photography. Other presentations covered a wide range of topics, from scientific analysis to practical preservation measures. It was highlighted that photographs are an important resource of information not only about our past, but also about our heritage and our efforts to preserve it.

The organizers are planning to publish conference proceedings, which will be available as a PDF at

Thanks to Sagita Mrijam Sunara, Univesity of Split for this reveiw.