In winter 2017, special issue CeROArt-EGG will publish articles by young graduates (2016 and 2017). These may be case studies, research or dissertations, provided that they have been successfully presented in the various trainings, Colleges of Arts and Universities. By this project, we
wish to reaffirm the importance, for young conservators-restorers, of sharing their research and work in scientific form. There is an exceptional amount of knowledge accumulated in the (unpublished) grey literature of intervention files, end-of-study dissertations and doctoral theses. The
dissemination of the results stimulates research and their complementarity can lead to joint projects. In addition, the initiative gives greatervisibility to the different types of training.
Each student or graduate wishing to submit an article must make prior contact with a teacher in the establishment in which he is studying, who will act as a reference person and be his intermediary with regard to CeROArt. The contact person is responsible for supervising the scientific article (from drafting to final version), and ensures that it complies with the editorial charter; this person is also able to proofread an article from a different institution; finally, he checks the information to be
published regarding training and the College of Arts or University he represents.
Texts may be submitted in French, in English or in both languages. Texts in English must be proofread by a native English speaker. CeROArt will not provide translations.
Website: http://ceroart.revues.org/ (for English version, click on the upper right button)
Publishing Policy: http://ceroart.revues.org/index87.html
Check list: https://ceroart.revues.org/5198?file=1
More on CeROArts history and aim (ICOM-CCtriennial meeting talk):
Papers' submission: before November 7th 2017.
Additional information : muriel.verbeeck@ceroart.org