Lizeth has a degree in conservation from ENCRyM - INAH and a Master in Art History with the specialisation in Contemporary Art from UNAM. Since 2007, she has been Professor-researcher, organises the Workshop Seminar Restoration of Modern and Contemporary Art and responsible for the subject ‘Public Art and its exhibition contexts’ within the Master in Museology of the ENCRyM. She is currently the Academic Coordinator of the Restoration Degree of the ENCRyM-INAH. Titular Coordinator of the research projects ‘Registration, Diagnosis and Conservation of Urban Art’ and ‘Documentation, registration and material experimentation in modern and contemporary art’.
She was co-organiser of the events: Encounter Conservation Strategies in Contemporary Art in collaboration with MUAC-UNAM, Fundación Jumex Arte Contemporáneo and the ENCRyM-INAH. Symposium Living Matter in collaboration with the Getty Foundation, MUAC-UNAM and the ENCRyM-INAH. Organizer of the International Street Art and Graffiti Conservation Meetings URBARTE (2013, 2016 and 2018). Author of several articles and papers focused on conservation- restoration of modern and contemporary art, as well as graffiti and urban art. Member of the international group of Urban Art, linked to the Spanish Group of the IIC. Lizeth collaborates with artist's studios, museums and galleries focused on the production, exhibition and conservation of modern and contemporary art.