INCCA members are dedicated to developing, sharing and preserving knowledge needed for the conservation of modern and contemporary art. INCCA is a network of like-minded professionals connected to the conservation of modern and contemporary art.
Jean Dubuffet's Assemblages d'Empreintes: “Myth and Manipulation: Deconstructing and Reconstructing: Dubuffet’s Imprints and Their Assemblages”
"Jim Dine: Drawing with Light" in Master Drawings
Latest VoCA blog post on the 'Keeping the Legacy Alive' conference

Video of interview with artist Gabriel Kuri now online

Preservation and conservation of works of Mary Vieira in public spaces in Brazil
Masterclass: Retouching Modern and Contemporary Paintings

Report on CD-ROM archiving (2016)

Conserving Modern Paints / Conservation Perspectives, Fall 2016
IN THE BOX / SBMK event on art packaging