INCCA members are dedicated to developing, sharing and preserving knowledge needed for the conservation of modern and contemporary art. INCCA is a network of like-minded professionals connected to the conservation of modern and contemporary art.
Modern Materials and Contemporary Art (working group of ICOM CC)
Post graduate diploma thesis - The treatment and preservation of a gypsum and latex sculpture by Louise Bourgeois

Video: Contemporary Art: Who Cares? Nicole Delissen on Return on Investment (2010)

Video: Contemporary Art: Who Cares? Vivian van Saaze on Doing Artworks and Going Public (2010)

Video: Contemporary Art: Who Cares? Jill Sterrett on the role of the conservator (2010)

Video: Contemporary Art: Who Cares? Peter van Mensch, A Work of Art in a Museum is a Work of Art in a Museum (2010)
INCCA Spanish Speaking Countries

Access 2 Contemporary Art Conservation (9th June, 2010)

Access 2 Contemporary Art Conservation (10th June, 2010)