2012 New publication: Born-digital artworks in the Netherlands

Posted on Fri, 04/27/2012 - 14:18

The amount of computer-based art, referred to as ‘Born Digital Art’, has increased enormously over the past few years. This has increased the necessity to pay attention to the conservation strategy for these art works. Preliminary quantitative research has been done into a number of Dutch museums and organisations whose collections contain this kind of work, and on the basis of that, a qualitativedefinition of the problem is formulated. In addition the feasibility of setting up a network for this art form is explored.

This publication was created as part of the project Conservation of Media Art Collections Netherlands, a two-year project that started in 2010 and is being carried out by the SBMK and the Netherlands Media Art Institute (NIMk). See this link for more information on this project: http://www.sbmk.nl/projects/detail/id/17?lang=en