2012-11 1 day conference on installation art

Posted on Mon, 11/05/2012 - 10:06

Conservation of Installation Art with Arianne Vanrell
Museum London
421 Ridout Street North
London, ON, Canada
Friday, November 23, 2012
11 am to 4 pm

To register go to:


Network with colleagues and learn about cutting-edge conservation techniques and technology during this one-day conference with Arianne Vanrell from the Museo Reina Sofia at Museum London.

Public Lecture
11 am to 12 noon
Cost: Free

Afternoon Workshop with Lunch
12 noon to 4 pm
Cost: $50, $25 students

Target Audience:  This conference is well-suited for art conservators, curators, collections managers, registrars, students of these disciplines, and those curious about conservation and installation art.

Arianne Vanrell has worked in the Department of Conservation-Restoration at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, since 2002. She graduated with a BA in Art History, followed by an MA in Conservation and Restoration in Cultural Goods from the University de Paris 1, Pantheon-Sorbonne. She also holds a Diploma in Advanced Studies (DEA) in Conservation and Restoration from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She has coordinated the Spanish section of the European Project Inside Installations (2002-07) and Inside Installations Latin America (2008-10), as well as the Spanish section of the PRACTIC Project (2009-11). She coordinates the Iberoamerican Network of Conservation of Contemporary Art and INCCA Iberoamerica Group.

Conference Schedule

Public Lecture
11:00 am to 12:00 noon
Lecture Theatre
Cost: Free

"Installation art" encompasses a wide range of artistic projects that incorporate everyday and natural materials as well as new media technologies such as video, sound, performance, and the Internet. The ephemeral nature of installation work presents challenges for the museum and art conservator alike who must exhibit and preserve the work while remaining loyal to the artist's aesthetic and intellectual intentions. This lecture will highlight the difficulties of conserving such collections and will share new alternatives and conservation strategies.

Afternoon Workshop with Lunch
12 noon to 4:00 pm
Lorraine Ivey Shuttleworth Gallery
Cost: $50, $25 students

The collection of installations and other complex pieces at the Museo Reina Sofia has increased significantly in the last few years, and the presence of diverse elements and the use of technologies that are difficult to conserve propose new challenges to the maintenance and exhibition of these collections. The Reina Sofia has adapted new methodologies for improving the understanding and documentation of these works, which in turn better their conservation and establish protocols of use and criteria for intervention that ease their exhibition and allow for their loan to other institutions. This workshop will show how our strategies as conservators and restorers have changed in the face of these challenges, and how this has influenced decisions and criteria when conserving installations.

In partnership the Department of Modern Languages and Literature and the Visual Arts Department at Western University.