2007 FROHNER, C. Diploma thesis on metallic copper as a pigment used in modern painting technique. Conservation and restoration issues of the case study ‘Lake City’ (1963/64) by Frank Stella

Posted on Wed, 02/03/2010 - 08:50

Christine Fröhner

specialised in conservation and restoration of painting and sculpture

Cologne Institute of Conservation Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Cologne






Metallic copper as a pigment used in modern painting technique. Conservation and restoration issues of the case study ‘Lake City’ (1963/64) by Frank Stella.



Copper, oxidation, corrosion, Stella, metal pigments



Paintings by the artist Frank Stella executed in the early 1960’s are considered the predecessors of American Minimal Art. Using the example of the copper painting ‘Lake City’ (1963/64), a technical study was undertaken focusing on the metal pigments utilized and the damage they created. This includes a brown discoloration of the paint layer as well as dark fingerprints. These material changes were caused by oxidative and corrosive processes and cannot be reduced without endangering the paint surface. A conservation strategy was created incorporating the issues of patina and artist’s intention. Because the painting features a noticeable scratch, an appropriate retouching method had to be developed. In addition, the importance of preventive conservation when dealing with similar modern paintings was emphasized.



Prof. Hans Portsteffen and Dr. Gunnar Heydenreich






Through the Cologne Institute of Conservation Sciences


